Start Your Day with Joy Using These Audio Resources!
Ever Wake Up Feeling Down?

Start waking up every morning sunny side up!
Having a positive attitude and outlook in life is essential for success. Making sure that the words you say first thing in the morning are consistent with God's Word will help you start your day off on the right way. Speaking God's Word will help to realign your thoughts and emotions with His, and will shift your focus away from fear and toward joy and peace. Doing this each morning will set you up for success and open the doors to a life free from fear and worry.
Don't let your negative thoughts or experiences
weigh you down. - Be filled with a renewed sense of hope and joy!
I have seen the power of speaking God's Word to completely turn my life around. Every morning I wake up with a sense of purpose and a desire to make the most of my day and I want you to experience that same freedom.
I've created the Morning Declarations: Faith Boosters CD to help teach you how to declare peace and life over your day using the Word of God. As you consistently listen to and repeat the declarations, you will see the power of God's Word manifesting in your life.

17 Powerful Declarations to Help You Start Your Day Off with Purpose.

With an inspiring blend of spoken word and soothing music, this CD is sure to give you the motivation you need each morning.
How Declarations Helped Me
I believe the first moments after you wake up are very critical to the success of your day. I used to experience depression, dissatisfaction and loneliness in the morning and even sometimes for several days. I was tired of feeling emotionally defeated so I decided to make a change.
I committed to speaking declarations over myself and the situations I faced. I determined to believe it was the truth and decided I would not back down from it regardless of the outcome.

I started to notice the power of my words when I began to speak with faith and conviction. I began to see that these words were not only changing my circumstances, but they were also changing my perspective and my mindset. My words were becoming a form of prayer and a way to direct my focus towards the things I wanted in life. I became more positive, confident and optimistic. I was no longer weighed down by the negativity of the world and my own doubts. I was now able to take control of my life and create the kind of success and abundance I had been longing for.
This, my friend, is what I desire for you. You can live a life free of fear and full of the richness of life!

Not Just Another Prosperity Book...

• Discover the truth about what truly makes a person prosperous
• I'll share with you my own personal stories of breakthrough
• I'll give you practical life-changing principles that will help you turn challenging situations into opportunities for success.
Quotes That Others Liked:
“Having stuff doesn’t necessarily mean enjoying it.”

“Prosperity and poverty have their root on the soul level. They contain a person’s health physically, mentally, emotionally, socially, spiritually, and financially. A CEO who makes millions of dollars can be impoverished with sickness, a broken family life, and depression. Money doesn’t make you prosperous.”
"When you make that decision, you'll start to see things change. Joy will begin to flow from the inside. Your thoughts will be dominated by thankfulness and love for the Father."

Feeling stuck in the challenges you face?

You take two steps forward only to end up
right back where you started...
My Own Story
That's where my life was. I was frustrated, feeling stuck, like I was all out of options but my life drastically changed when I made a commitment to make daily declarations. I didn't realize the profound journey I was about to start. This book was the beginning of that journey.